Category: Guides

How to Write a Check

A Quick Guide To Writing a Check.

  • With the ability to send and receive e-transfers, credit cards, and money transfer apps like Venmo, checks are becoming less common in our daily lives.
  • Still, billions of checks are written every year, which means that the time has...

How to Prevent Budget Overspending

Watching your budget doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Today you’re going to learn some fun and innovative ways to prevent overspending. You may not realize it yet but keeping a budget may be difficult for you because you may have some...

How To Build An Emergency Fund

How to Financially Prepare For Unexpected Emergencies.

Having an emergency fund is very important for many reasons. To start, an emergency fund is a great way to be able to set some cash aside in case there are unexpected expenses such as car failures, an emergency room visit,...